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. 2012 Oct;192(2):385–396. doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.142802

Table 2 . Cancer and immunity-related genes in Chaos3 mammary tumor CNAs.

Function Chr 16 Chr 12 Function Chr 4 Chr 5 Chr 11 Chr 10 Chr 19
Pluripotency Dppa4, Dppa2 Tumor suppressor Cdk2ap1 Nf1*
Signal transduction Adam6* DNA checkpoint/repair Kntc1, Gtf2h3, Setd8 Rad9
Immunity/inflammation Pvrl3, Retnlb, Retnla Ig/abparts* Apoptosis/necrosis Dffa, Ube4b*Kif1b* Oaz1*
Upregulated in cancer Igsf11 Signal transduction Pik3cd Ksr1* Csnk1g2* Mknk2*
Immunity/inflammation Lingo3*
Cancer related Arid1a, Sfn* Sbno1 Minpp1*

The genes commonly altered specifically in mammary tumors are underlined, and those that additionally have CNAs in human breast cancers are marked with an asterisk. Ig/abparts, Ig locus and antibody parts gene feature conserved between mice and humans.