Fig 6.
Three novel bat picornaviruses. (A) Genomic organizations of Miniopterus schreibersii picornavirus 1 and Ia io picornavirus 1; (B) phylogenetic tree based on the complete 3D protein sequence of picornaviruses; (C) partial genomic organization of Rhinolophus affinis picornavirus 1; (D) phylogenetic tree based on the complete or partial P1 protein sequence of picornaviruses. The three bat picornaviruses are labeled with black triangles. HuTLCV, muman TMEV-like cardiovirus; ThV, theilovirus; EMCV, encephalomyocarditis virus; SVV, Seneca valley virus; ERAV, equine rhinitis A virus; HCoSV-A, human cosavirus A; FMDV-O, foot-and-mouth disease virus O; ERBV, equine rhinitis B virus; PTV, porcine teschovirus; TurdiV-2, turdivirus 2; AiV, Aichi virus; DPTV, avian sapelovirus; PEVA, porcine sapelovirus; SpV-1, simian sapelovirus 1; BEV, bovine enterovirus; HEV71,human enterovirus 71; AEV, avian encephalomyelitis virus; HAV, hepatitis A virus; DHAV-1, duck hepatitis A virus 1; HPeV-2, human parechovirus 2; LV, Ljungan virus.