Fig 5.
TM/CTD of the integrin β1 recombinant shows differences in TROSY NMR spectra due to mutation of the tyrosine residues. (A) Sequence of the TM/CTD of integrin WT and YY/AA and YY/FF mutant proteins expressed and purified in E. coli. Blue, extracellular domain; red, transmembrane domain; black, cytosolic tail; bold, mutations. (B to D) 1H,15N-TROSY spectra of the integrin U-15N-TM/CTD integrin were collected using a 600-MHz Bruker NMR Avance-III spectrometer at 298 K, pH 6.5, in DMPC/D7PC bicelles (q = 0.3), 20% total amphiphile, and a protein concentration of 0.6 to 0.8 mM. Shown are WT (B), YY/AA (C), and YY/FF (D). The spectra in panels B to D exhibit only modest differences.