Fig 3.
Survival of CO flies containing altered abundances of wAu following viral challenge. The abundant, protective Wolbachia strain wAu was decreased in individual CO flies by antibiotic treatment, and then 4- to 7-day-old flies were injected with PBS (negative control) (A) or DCV (B). The graphs show the survival of CO flies which have been treated with tetracycline to decrease the protective Wolbachia strain wAu to densities equivalent to 3, 5, 6, 30, 39, and 48 copies of Wolbachia per host genome (wol) or mock treated (118 wol). Survival of flies is shown from 3 replicates of 15 flies for DCV-injected flies or 2 replicates of 15 flies for PBS controls. CO flies that had previously been cleared of Wolbachia (0 wol) were included as Wolbachia-negative controls. Data shown are representative of independent survival assays, where comparable densities of wAu resulted in similar survival outcomes.