The guideline is available in a variety of versions for different users or purposes
Internet, peer reviewed journal
Full text, summary, print, digital
Tailored for patients or caregivers
Content is organized to enhancethe ease with which the guideline can be used
Table of contents
Narrative, tabulated or both
Narrative, graphic (algorithms) or both; Recommendation summary (single list in full or summary version rather than dispersed)
Evidence is summarized and presented such that its quantity and quality are apparent
Number of references
Total number of distinct references to evidence upon which recommendations are based
Evidence graded
A system is used to categorize quality of evidence supporting each recommendation
Number of recommendations
Total number of distinct recommendations
Information is provided to help interpret and apply guidelines for individual patients
Clinical considerations
Information such as indications, criteria, risk factors, drug dosing that facilitates application of the recommendations explicitly highlighted as tips or practical issues using sub-titles or text boxes, or summarized in tables and referred to in recommendations or narrative
Resources for providers or patients to inform, educate, support and involve patients
Inform, educate, support
Informational, educational or supportive resources for patients/caregivers, or contact information (phone, fax, email or URL) for such resources
Decision making
Questions or tools for clinicians to facilitate discussion with patients, or decision aids to support patient involvement
The focus or purpose of the guideline is explicitly stated
Explicitly stated purpose of guideline (clinical, education, policy, quality improvement)
Specify who would deliver (individuals, teams, departments, institutions, managers, policy makers, internal/external agents) and receive the services (specify type of patients)
Identification of stakeholder needs, perspectives, interests or values
Anticipated changes, resources and competencies required to adapt and accommodate guideline utilization are identified
Equipment or technology needed, or the way services should be organized
Industrial standards for equipment or technology, or policy regarding their use
Human resources
Type and number of health professionals needed to deliver recommended services
Education, training or competencies needed by clinicians/staff to deliver recommendations
Anticipated changes in workflow or processes during/after adoption of recommendations
Direct or productivity costs incurred by acquiring resources or training to accommodate guidelines, or as a result of service reductions during transition from old to new processes
Processes for planning and applying local strategies to promote guideline utilization are described
Identify barriers
Individual, organizational, or system barriers that could challenge adoption, or instructions for local needs assessment of guideline users
Tailor guideline
Instructions, tools or templates to tailor guideline/recommendations for local context
Integrated tools
Point-of-care templates/forms (clinical assessment, standard orders) to integrate guidelines within care delivery processes
Promote utilization
Possible mechanisms by which to promote guideline utilization
Evaluation |
Processes for evaluating guideline implementation and utilization are described |
Methods for evaluating the implementation process
Utilization |
Audit tools or performance measures/quality indicators to assess the organization, delivery and outcomes of guideline recommended care |