The comparison of criteria under study to patient clinical parameters. %MN (A) and %BN (C) are significantly higher in patient cells compared to their age matched controls, and the difference is not gender specific (B and D). The aortic diameter and blood pressure of control individuals were not measured exactly (yet, were reported to be smaller than 3 cm), hence, the data for controls are missing from (E) to (H). The correlation of the aortic diameter at the time of operation in TAA patients and %MN (E) and %BN (F) in SMCs isolated from these patients are shown in graphs. The bars drawn in (G) and (H) indicate the median value for the distribution of %MN and %BN in normotensive and hypertensive patients. The correlation of %MN and %BN is drawn in (I). (Black diamonds: Patients, Grey circles: Control individuals) MN, micronucleus; BN, binucleate; HT, hypertensive; NT, normotensive.