Figure 2.
PE-induced cell hypertrophy and its regression by Cu in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. The induction of cellular hypertrophy and the treatment with Cu were as the same as that described for Figure 1. A. Cell number was counted using a hemocytometer after the cells were trypsinized and suspended in PBS at the end of Cu treatment. B. Analysis of cell size by flow cytometer. C. Analysis of cell volume after the Cu treatment for 24 h. Cell volume was calculated from cell diameter, which was determined by a microslide field finder. Approximately 150 cells from each group were randomly measured by the microslide field finder. D. The protein content in the cells measured by a Bradford method and normalized by cell number. Control (non-treated and incubated for 72 h), PE (PE treated for 48 + 24 h), Cu (Cu treatment during the last 24 h), and PE+Cu (PE treated for 48 h followed by Cu for 24 h). Each group of data were obtained from three independent experiments and each experiment contains a triplicate samples for each treatment. Values are means ± S.E.M. *, significantly different from control group and †, significantly different from PE-treated group (p < 0.05).