P75t-Let23WT sorted to the basolateral plasma
membrane domain after endocytosis from the apical surface. (A) To
examine endocytic sorting, MDCK cell lines expressing P75t-Let23WT or
P75t-Let23MUT were grown on Transwell filters, chilled on ice, and then
incubated for 1 h with HEPES-buffered growth medium containing
anti-P75 at the apical side to bind P75t-Let23 at the cell surface.
After washing to remove unbound antibody, the cells were warmed to
37°C in growth medium. At the time indicated to the left, the cells
were fixed and permeabilized, stained with goat anti-mouse IgG-FITC
conjugate, and examined by confocal laser-scanning microscopy.
Nocodazole (20 μg/ml) was added to the incubations and washes for the
samples indicated. The panels show Z-sections that have been contrast
enhanced for presentation, and the apical (Ap) and basolateral (Bl)
sides are labeled. (B) Biotinylation-antibody capture: MDCK cell lines
expressing P75t-Let23WT (WT) or P75t-Let23MUT (MUT) were grown on
Transwell filters, labeled at the apical side with biotin, and then
incubated for 3 h with growth medium containing anti-P75 at the
basolateral side to capture biotinylated P75t-Let23 chimera. After
washing to remove unbound antibody, the cells were lysed and the
lysates subjected to precipitation with rabbit anti-mouse IgG and
protein A-Sepharose. The precipitate was separated by 10% SDS-PAGE,
transferred to nitrocellulose, and probed for biotinylated proteins
with avidin-HRP. Control precipitations were also performed to
determine total biotinylated P75t-Let23 (TOT). Relative molecular
weight is shown to the left in kilodaltons. An arrow indicates the
relevant band.