Fig. 5. The force of microtubule polymerisation is sufficient to move the nucleus.
Quantification of the number of microtubules hitting the posterior of the nucleus. (A) Temporal merge of 20 frames (equal to 10 s) of an EB1-GFP movie. Red arrows indicate tracked microtubules that hit the nuclear indentation. a, anterior; p, posterior; Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) Kymograph of a microtubule that pushes against the nuclear indentation for 3 s; arrows indicate the position of the EB1-GFP comet (plus end of a microtubule). Scale bar, 1 μm. (C) Quantification of the number of microtubules hitting the nuclear indentation, the time that each microtubule pushes, and the resulting average number of microtubules that are pushing against the indentation at any given time (error bars, ± s.e.m.).