Figure 2.
Multiple crystal forms display interlocked α4β4 rings for E. coli RNR. Each α4β4 ring is colored separately with F2CDP/ATP-RNR complex in blue/yellow and dATP-RNR complex in green/purple. (A,B) One asymmetric unit for each complex is shown as ribbons with transparent surface and with full surface, for F2CDP/ATP- and dATP-RNR complexes, respectively. (C,D) The full (α4β4)2 RNR complex is shown from front and side orientations for each complex. (E,F) A top down view of each RNR complex shows the packing of two α2-dimers (left) and close-up of interactions of just the α2 dimers in an identical orientation (right). Other known structures with interlocked rings are shown in Fig. S3.