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. 2012 Jul 31;3:211. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2012.00211

Table 1.

Clinical features, therapy and outcome in reported IPEX patients.

Reported by Pt° Mutation Age at onset Age at diagnosis Diarrhea T1DM Eczema Eos (/mm3); IgE (IU/mL) Additional clinical findings Therapy Outcome
Peake et al. (1996), Wildin et al. (2001) V6f, 2f c.1290_1309del_insTGG 6 weeks Post mortem + + + Peeling skin 3170; 9999–40,000 μg/L Anemia, lymphadenopathy, sepsis TPN, plasma IV Exitus 10 months
Ferguson et al. (2000), Bennett et al. (2001b), McGinness et al. (2006) F1-V1f, V2f, 1f c.1150G>A 1 month 9 years + + 230–900; 755–3492 Pemphigoid nodularis; bullous pemphigoid; infections, asthma PD, CSA, dapsone, IgIV, rituximab Alive 14 years
Ferguson et al. (2000), Bennett et al. (2001b) F1-IV10f c.1150G>A# 2 months − (Vomiting) + 936; 250 Hypothyroidism; infection na Exitus 10 months
F1-V4f c.1150G>A# 2 weeks + + + 620; 30 Hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, sepsis IgIV Exitus 2 years
Ferguson et al. (2000), Bennett et al. (2001b) F1-V5f, V7f c.1150G>A 3 weeks Post mortem + + 500; 22 Sepsis IgIV, CSA Exitus 12 weeks
Chatila et al. (2000) 3-F1; F2f −14, 15, 27, 28 c.1044 + 4A>G; c.750_752delGGA 3 weeks −3 months na 5/5 5/5 4/5 na; 4/5 hyper IgE Autoimmune cytopenia 3/5, food allergy5/5 na Exitus 1/5, alive 4/5
Levy-Lahad and Wildin (2001), Wildin et al. (2001) 1f, F1f c.1189C>T# Birth − (Atonic gut) + na Hypotonia, hypothyroidism, thrombocytopenia, peritonitis, cholangitis Exitus 19 days
2f, F1f c.1189C>T Birth Post mortem − (Ileo) + na Cachexia, hypotonia, thrombocytopenia, peritonitis Exitus 5 weeks
  3f, F1f c.1189C>T# Birth + + na Infections, sepsis Dexamethasone, CSA  
Wildin et al. (2001) 3na c.1113T>G na na + + + na Anemia HSCT Alive, age na
  4na c.1150G>A na na + + + na Hypothyroidism, thrombocytopenia, sepsis na Exitus 4 months
Bennett et al. (2001b), Kobayashi et al. (2011) F2, 5 c.1293_1294delCT na na + na HSCT Exitus age na
Kobayashi et al. (2001, 2011), Fuchizawa et al. (2007), Otsubo et al. (2011) 1f, 1f, 3, 1f c.227delT 15 days na + na; + Thyroiditis, AHA, tubulonephropathy* FK506, betamethasone Alive 19 years
Kobayashi et al. (2001, 2011) 2f, 4f c.1087A>G na na + + na; + Thyroiditis, tubulonephropathy*, infections, sepsis na Exitus 3 years
Baud et al. (2001) 1f c.1113T>G# na + + Ichthyosis na ITP na Exitus 4.5 months
2f c.1113T>G 1 month 4 months + + Ichthyosis na; 1750 ITP, AHA, autoimmune neutropenia, cholestatic hepatitis MPD, FK506, HSCT Exitus 2 years 7 months
Wildin et al. (2002), McMurchy et al. (2010) 1f c.1040G>A 3 months 13 years + + na Infection (sepsis) PD, CSA, FK506, HSCT Exitus 14 years
Wildin et al. (2002) 2 c.1044 + 459A > G <1 month na + + + na Lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly eczema, hypothyroidism, AHA, immune neutropenia, infections Steroids, rituximab, IgIV Alive 5 years
  3f c.748_750delAAG, c.543C>T 2 months 9 years + + na Arthritis, ITP, hepatomegaly, mild hepatitis, progressive renal insufficiency Steroids, CSA, FK506, rofecoxib, MTX, rituximab, IgIV, HSCT Exitus 10 years
Owen et al. (2003) A-1f c.227delT# 2 weeks + + na Lymphoid infiltration of the pancreas na Exitus 6 weeks
  A-2f c.227delT 3 weeks na + + na Hepatitis PDN, AZA, CSA Alive 10 years
Nieves et al. (2004) 1na c.1150G>A 7 months 9 years + + + +; 33 Alopecia, longitudinal ridging nails, autoimmune neutropenia, severe anemia, subclinical thyroiditis PD, CSA, IgIV, G-CSF Alive 11 years
Tanaka et al. (2005), Fuchizawa et al. (2007), Kobayashi et al. (2011), Otsubo et al. (2011) 1, 4, 1, 3 c.1117T>G 2 months 4 months + na; 2895–7275 CSA, PD, IgIV, HSCT Alive 7 years
Bindl et al. (2005) 1na c.968-20A>C 7 years 10 years + Dermatitis na; 17,370 CSA induced chronic interstitial nephritis Steroids, PD, AZA, CSA, MTX, rapa Alive 15 years
  2f + <2 months   + + na; 3000 Steroids, FK506, AZA, rapa Alive age na
3f + <2 months + + na; 2000 Steroids, FK506, AZA, rapa Alive age na
Mazzolari et al. (2005) 1na promoter region 4 months <1 year + + na; 763 sepsis MPD, CSA, HSCT Alive 2 years 4 months
Bacchetta et al. (2006), Gambineri et al. (2008), McMurchy et al. (2010), Passerini et al. (2011b) 1, 12, 12, 12 c.1117-1118TT>GC neonatal 3 months + + + 768; 8423 MMF, HSCT Alive 9 years
  2 f, 5f, 6f, 5f, 5f c.543C>T, c.970T>C neonatal   + + 2780; 374 Allergic asthma None Alive 7 years
3, 2, 1, 2 c.3G>A Neonatal <1 years + + + 552; 28,800 Hypothyroidism, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly MPD, CSA, HSCT Alive 10 years
De Benedetti et al. (2006) 1f c.454 + 4A>G 18 days 22 years + + N; 200 Recurrent arthritis, psoriasiform dermatitis, hepatomegaly PD, MPD, CSA, FK506, infliximab Alive 22 years
2 c.323C>T 14 months 7 years + N; 74 Steroid-responsive pneumonia and pericarditis, recurrent arthritis PDN, PD, AZA alive 7 years
Myers et al. (2006) 1na c.1-7G>T 1 day Post mortem + § na Hypothyroidism, Infections na Exitus 54 days
2na c.1169G>A 4 days Post mortem + + + na Infections na Exitus <2 years
Gavin et al. (2006) 1na c.210_210 + 1GG>AC na na + + + na; high AHA, ITP FK506, steroids, TPN Alive 5 months
2-p1f c.751_753delGAG na na + + + na; high Thyroiditis, AHA Intermittent steroids Alive 6 years
  2-p2f c.751_753delGAG na na + + + na; high Thyroiditis FK506 Alive 9 years
3f g.-6247_-4859del na na + - + na; high food allergies FK506 Alive 4 years
Moudgil et al. (2007), Rao et al. (2007) 1, 2 c.303_304delTT 4 months 6 months + + + –; 1564 Alopecia, AHA, lymphadenopathy, hypothyroidism, MGN, food allergies, infections TPN, CSA, PD, rituximab, HSCT Alive 4 years
Heltzer et al. (2007) 1na c.817-1G>A birth Post mortem + § Rush na; 5320 FK506 Exitus 79 days
  2na c.1061delC <2 months 2 years + + na; 134 NGT, infliximab, illeostomy, mercaptopurine, steroids Alive 4 years
3na c.210G>T 2 months na + + na; 6 Recurrent airway infections, ITP, motor delay, hypoglycemic seizures, anemia of chronic diseases, osteopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia TPN, NGT, Rapa, IgIV Alive 8 years
Rao et al. (2007) 1na Splice junction Intron 9 na na + Colitis na + na Food allergies, reactive airways disease, AHA, infections Imuran, CSA, PD, HSCT Alive 9 years
3na c.1271G>A na na + Colitis na + na food allergies, AHA, MGN, infections FK506, MMF, PD, HSCT Alive 5 years
  4na c.1226A>G na na + Colitis na na AHA TPN, FK506, rituximab, PD, alemtuzumab, HSCT Alive 1 years
Torgerson et al. (2007), Halabi-Tawil et al. (2009), Patey-Mariaud de Serre et al. (2009), Moes et al. (2010) IV.1f, 6f, 8f, 2na g.-6247_-4859del 3 weeks na +  + 950; >3000 Food allergies, cheilitis, onychodystrophy, recurrent infections, sepsis, Hp gastritis TPN, FK506, Rapa Alive 6 years
  IV.2f, 7f, 7f, 1na g.-6247_-4859del 5 weeks na + + 2400; 365–>2000 Food allergies, cheilitis, recurrent infections, sepsis TPN, steroids, FK506, AZA, Rapa Alive 9 years
Lucas et al. (2007), McLucas et al. (2007) 1f Exon 10# <1 years 6 years + Dermatitis na Hypogammaglobulinemia, anemia, pneumonias, laryngeal papillomatosis, Norwegian scabies TPN, HSCT Alive 7 years
Burroughs et al. (2007) 1na c.1271G>A na na + + na MGN HSCT Alive 6 years
Fuchizawa et al. (2007), Otsubo et al. (2011) 2f, 2f c.1150G>A 2 months na + na Asthma, Adrenal Insufficiency Steroids Alive 10 years
Fuchizawa et al. (2007) 3f c.1150G>A 19 days na + + na Alive 15 years
Suzuki et al. (2007) 1na c.1099T>C 8 days na + + + na Liver dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, sepsis na Exitus 4 months
Taddio et al. (2007), Gambineri et al. (2008), Passerini et al. (2011b) 1, 11, 11 c.1150G>A Neonatal 6 years + + + 4900; 1494 Thyroiditis, alopecia, AHA, interstitial pneumonia Sterois, CSA, FK506, AZA, Rapa, IgIV Alive 16 years
Lucas et al. (2008) 1f exon 10 3 months <1 years + + 5400; na Thrombocytopenia, Aphthous stomatitis, EBV-induced lymphoma Rapa, Cx, VCR, PN Alive, 2 years 6 months
Gambineri et al. (2008) 1 c.2T>C Neonatal Post mortem + + 803; 3910 Sepsis MPD, CSA, FK506, IgIV Exitus 3 months
Gambineri et al. (2008), Passerini et al. (2011b) 3, 3 c.210 + 2T>G Neonatal 6 months + + + 2187; na Hypothyroidism, hepatitis, sepsis MPD, CSA, FK506, AZA, IgIV, HSCT Alive 5 years
Gambineri et al. (2008) 4na c.543C>T Neonatal 4 months + 710; 3 MPD, CSA, IgIV Exitus 5 months
6na c.816 + 5G>A neonatal 1 years + + + na; 517 PD, AZA Exitus 9 months
Gambineri et al. (2008), Passerini et al. (2011b) 7na, 7na c.967 + 4A>G Neonatal <1 years + + + 700; >2000 Hepatitis MPD, FK506, AZA Alive 9 years
Gambineri et al. (2008), Passerini et al. (2011b) 8na, 8na c.1015C>G Neonatal 5 months + + na AIH, AHA, hepatosplenomegaly MPD, FK506, AZA, Rapa Exitus 6 months
Gambineri et al. (2008), McMurchy et al. (2010), Passerini et al. (2011a,b) 9, 9, 9 c.1040G>T Neonatal 1 years + + + 498; 1966 AIH, AIT, anemia, food allergy PD, CSA Alive 15 years
Gambineri et al. (2008), McMurchy et al. (2010) 10na, 10na c.1040G>T <1 year na Severe chronic gastritis + Xerosis na; >230 Pancreatic exocrine failure, gastrectomy MPD, CSA Alive 23 years
Gambineri et al. (2008) 13na c.1121T>G Neonatal <1 year + + na; 7000 Alopecia, AHA, AIT, CMV infection MPD, FK506, AZA Exitus, 11 months
Gambineri et al. (2008), Passerini et al. (2011a,b) 14na c.725T>C 4 months 11 years + + 1550; 5218 Sepsis, nephropathy MPD, PD, CSA, FK506 Alive 15 years
Costa-Carvalho et al. (2008) 1f c.1045-3C>G Birth na + + + N; na Hypothyroidism, AHA, infections na Exitus, 11 months
Yong et al. (2008) 1 c.1061delC 2.5 years <5 years + Dermatitis na Infections Steroids, mesalazine, infliximab, AZA, 6-MP, rapa Alive 7 years
  2f c.210G>T 1 week 7 years + + na Respiratory and GI infections, AHA, ITP IgIV, TPN, steroids, rapa Alive 8 years
Zhan et al. (2008) 1na c.1139C>T 4 months 5 months + na; high PDN, AZA, FK506, TPN, HSCT Alive 3 years
Redding et al. (2009) 1f c.1150G>A 6 weeks na + + 3753; 157 External otitis, sepsis, bacteremia, AHA CSA, PDN, HSCT Alive 2 years
Halabi-Tawil et al. (2009) 1na c.1113T>G na na + e + Erythroderm na Congenital ichthyosis, HA, recurrent infections, sepsis na na
  2na c.736-1G>A na na + e + Erythroderm na Cheilitis, HA, MGN, recurrent infections, sepsis na na
3na c.1101C>G na na + e + na Recurrent infections, sepsis na na
  4na c.560C>T na na + e + Psoriasiform rash na Cheilitis, onychodystrophy, HA, recurrent infections na na
5na c.1121T>G na na + e + Psoriasiform rash na HA, MGN, recurrent infections, sepsis na na
  8na c.751_753delGAG na na + e na HA, recurrent infections na na
9na c.751_753delGAG na na + e na HA, recurrent infections, sepsis na na
D’Hennezel et al. (2009) 1 c.1150G>A birth <7 weeks + + Exfoliative dermatitis na Hypothyroidism, Respiratory Distress, Seizures, Renal Failure, Pancytopenia TPN, rapa Exitus 7 weeks
Patey-Mariaud de Serre et al. (2009) 1na Truncated Protein 1.5 months na + Dermatitis na; N AIT na na
  2na truncated protein 6.5 years na + Dermatitis na; N Allergic Asthma na na
3na c.1100T>G 1 year na + + na; N tubulointerstitial nephritis na na
  4na p.E251del 4 months na + + na; high AHA, AIN na na
5na c.1121T>G 2 months na + + Dermatitis na; high AIT, AIN na na
  6na c.1113T>G 4 months na + Dermatitis na; N AHA, AIT na na
9na c.560C>T 11 months na + Dermatitis na; high AIT, food allergy na na
  10na p.E251del 7 months na + + na; high AIT, AIN, tubulointerstitial nephritis na na
11na Truncated protein 6 months na + + Dermatitis na; N AHA, AIT, MGN na na
  12na p.E251del 1 year na + na; N na na
Hashimura et al. (2009), Otsubo et al. (2011) 1f, 4f c.748_750delAAG 2 months 5 years − Vomiting + + na; 1141 Food allergy, nephrotic syndrome, infections, AHA, sepsis CSA, MPD Alive 5 years
Rubio-Cabezas et al. (2009) I c.1222G>A 2 days na + na, N Nephrotic syndrome, TIA, chronic diabetes complications na Alive 15 years
IIaf c.1222G>A 3 weeks na + + na; N Thyroiditis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, infections na Alive 12 years
  IIbf c.1222G>A 3.5 months na + + na; N Thyroiditis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, infections na Alive 12 years
III c.1010G>A 30 days na + + na; 2266 na Exitus, 13 months
  IV c.1015C>G 1 week na Mal digestion + + na; N Thyroiditis na Exitus, 5.5 months
V c.227delT 1 day na + + −; 132 Anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, dysthyroidism, infections na Exitus 8 months
Scaillon et al. (2009), McMurchy et al. (2010) 1na c.1040G>A 8 months 19 years Gastritis + N; N Autoimmune gastritis, pancreatic atrophy, hypo-γ-globulinemia, infections, bronchiectasis, PDN Alive 22 years
Dorsey et al. (2009) 1f c.***878A>G neonatal 4.5 months + § + 850; >5000 Sepsis Rapa, MTX, PD, HSCT Alive 1 years
Burroughs et al. (2010) 1na c.210 + 2delT 2 months 2 months + + 1000–2000; 183 Hemolytic anemia, infections HSCT Alive, 4 years 9 months
2na c.816 + 7G>C na 11 years + + 2000; 842 Anemia, steroid-dependent interstitial lung disease, membranous nephropathy, hypothyroidism, infections HSCT Alive 17 years
Harbuz et al. (2010) F1f – II3, II4, IV4, IV5, 3, 4, 5, 6 c.816 + 4A>G# na 6/6 na na na sepsis PN Exitus <5 years 6/6
F2f – 1 c.816 + 4A>G 2 months Post mortem + Vomiting + na; >4200 Sepsis Steroids, TPN Exitus 3 years
Moes et al. (2010) 3na g.560C> T Birth na + Skin pathol, High; 5500 Thrombocytopenia, Basedow hyperthyroidism, Hp gastritis, allergy FK506, HSCT Exitus 8 years
4na c.1121T>G Birth na + + High; 8500 Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, allergy FK506, Rapa Exitus, 14 months
  5na c.751_753delGAG 6 weeks na + + High; 12,500 Hypothyroidism, interstitial nephritis, hemolytic anemia, FK506, Rapa, HSCT Exitus 10 years
6na c.751_753delGAG 4 weeks na + + Skin pathol na; 2150 AIH, hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis FK506 Exitus 8 months
  7na c.1015C>G 7 days na + + Skin pathol, no eczema na; 650 Hemolytic anemia FK506 Exitus 7 months
Tsuda et al. (2010) 1 c.210 + 1G>A na na + + + na; 3700 Thyroiditis, hepatitis, nephropathy HSCT na
  2 c.210 + 1G>A na na + na; 3210 nephropathy na na
3 c.543C>T na na + na; 1 na na
  4 c.816 + 7G>C na na + + + na; 842 Thyroiditis, nephropathy, recurrent infections na na
5 c.817G>T na na + + na; 364 Thyroiditis na na
  8 c.1150G>A na na + + na; 2444 na na
9 c.1157 G>A na na + na na na
  10 c.1169G>A na na + + + na; 2950 Recurrent infections na na
11 c.1190G>A na na + + + na; 657 na na
  12 c.***876A>G na na + + na na na
Wang et al. (2010) 1na Intron1 2.5 months 2.5 months + + + na; + Thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, hypothyroidism, infections na Exitus 4.5 months
An et al. (2011) 1f c.1080_1081insA 20 days Post mortem + + + 9910; 75 Proteinuria, Sepsis Supportive treatment Exitus 1 month
2f c.1110G>A 14 days Post mortem + + 22; 681 Nephrotic syndrome, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, pneumonia Supportive treatment Exitus 11 months
  3f c.970T>C 26 days Post mortem + + 3450; 3 Pneumonia Supportive treatment Exitus 5 months
Bae et al. (2011) 1 c.210 + 1G>A 11 months 11 years + + N; na PRCA, MGN, infections PD Alive 13 years
Kobayashi et al. (2011) 2 c.1-23G>T na na + + na Nephrotic syndrome CSA, CS Alive, age na
Otsubo et al. (2011) 5f c.210 + 1G>T 6 months na + + na; na Nephrotic syndrome CSA, steroids Alive 26 years
Kasow et al. (2011) 1f c.1150G>A 1.5 months <7 months + + +; 157–1000 AHA, infections Rituximab, CSA, PD, HSCT Alive 3 years 7 months
Lopez et al. (2011) 1 c.748_750delAAG 2 months na + + + +; 45 AIH PD, CSA, AZA, HSCT Alive 6 years
Passerini et al. (2011b) 17 c.1037T>C Neonatal <4 months + Seborrhoeic dermatitis 467; 1278 Infections, sepsis MPD, FK506, HSCT Alive 3 years
18 c.***876A>G Neonatal na + Seborrhoeic dermatitis 2300; >2000 Hypotonia TPN, steroids, CSA, HSCT Alive 8 years
Passerini et al. (2011a) 20 c.816 + 2delT 5 months 27 years + + 20; 424 AIT, osteomyelitis, arthritis, S. aureus sepsis, bronchitis CSA, MPD, Rapa Alive 28 years

Pt, patient; Eos, eosinophils; na, not available; N, within normal ranges; e, unspecified endocrinopathy; ITP, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; AIT, autoimmune thrombocytopenia; AIN, autoimmune neutropenia; PRCA, pure red cells aplasia; MGN, membranous glomerulonephritis; AHA, autoimmune hemolytic anemia; HA, hematological abnormalities (cytopenias, hepatosplenomegaly, or lymphadenopathy); AIH, autoimmune hepatitis; TIA, transient ischemic attack; MSSA, Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; PN, parenteral nutrition; TPN, total parenteral nutrition; NGT, nasogastric tube; PD, prednisone; PDN, prednisolone; CSA, cyclosporine; FK506, tacrolimus, MTX, methotrexate; AZA, azathioprine; Cx, cyclophosphamide; VCR, vincristine; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cells transplantation; FU follow-up; TNDM, transient neonatal diabetes; GI, gastrointestinal.

*In this case, tubulonephropathy could be due both to the underlying disease or to tacrolimus.

°Patient ID refers to the enumeration of patients as reported in the original publications listed in column 1.

§Hypo or hyperglycemia.

fPositive familial history.

#The mutation has not been studied in this patient but in other relatives with an IPEX phenotype belonging to the same gender.

The age written in the outcome column refers to the age of the patients at the latest follow-up from each publication.