Figure 1. FANCC and BLM mutations identified in familial breast cancer pedigrees.
Males and females are represented by squares and circles, respectively. Arrows indicate individuals who underwent whole exome sequencing (families 1–3) or were the index case in subsequent mutation analysis (FANCC p.Asp23fs, p.Leu554Pro and p.Arg185Gln and BLM p.Arg899* families). Cancer-affected individuals are represented with the following symbols: breast cancer, top right quadrant filled in; bilateral breast cancer, top half; ovarian cancer, bottom left quadrant; or other cancers as indicated, centre circle. Mutation status is indicated with either the family specific mutation or wildtype (wt) under each tested individual. Age at cancer diagnosis or year of birth (b.) where known is shown for all mutation carriers. Breast cancer (BC), ovarian cancer (OC), acute leukaemia (AL), colorectal cancer (CRC), haematological malignancy (type unspecified) (Haem.), kidney cancer (KC), liver cancer (LivC), melanoma (Mel.), pancreatic cancer (PaC), prostate cancer (PrC), skin non-melanoma (Non-mel.) stomach cancer (SC), testicular cancer (TestC). Mutations indicated in parentheses indicate untested obligate carriers. Family 2 contains an individual (indicated by #) for whom mutation status is inferred assuming that non-paternity or gonadal mosaicism have not occurred.