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. 2012 Jun 8;30(3):1237–1252. doi: 10.1007/s11032-012-9711-1

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Transcriptional profiles of candidate reference genes expressed as absolute Ct values. For each sample group, about 5–8 biological replicates were analyzed. The following reference genes were tested: 25S 25S rDNA (filled square), ACT actin (filled diamond), ACT11 actin11 (open diamond), TUB β-tubulin (filled triangle), L2 ribosomal protein L2 (multiplication sign), and EF1 elongation factor-1α (filled circle). a Leaf tissue from in vitro cultured plants grown in a medium containing 0.5 % (v/v) acetone (Ac) or control medium without acetone (Neg). b Leaf tissue of greenhouse plants sampled at three different time points (Ta samples were harvested 6 months after transfer of the plants to the greenhouse, and Tb and Tc samples were harvested 16 and 26 days later, respectively). c Leaf tissue of greenhouse plants of the varieties Tuu Gia (TG) and Yangambi Km5 (Km5) at Tc. d Leaf discs inoculated with M. fijiensis conidia (Mf) and control leaf discs (Neg). e Meristems cut on day 0 and subsequently either placed on control medium on day 4 and harvested on day 6 (Control samples; Neg) or placed on high sucrose medium on day 4 and harvested on day 6 (Sucrose samples; Sucr) or simply harvested on day 1 (cut samples; 0-D). f Meristems from the varieties Cachaco (Cach), Mbwazirume (Mbw), and Williams (Will) all harvested 6 days after the last cutting and subcultured on the control medium