Southern analysis of ERC levels. S96, S96 sir2Δ∷SIR2(YJM789), I-1A, and I-1A sir2Δ∷SIR2(S96) were compared. YFS7 (YJM789 background with RDN1 from YJM789) and YFS9 (YJM789 background with RDN1 from S96), as well as S96 and YFS1 (S96 background with RDN1 from YJM789) were compared separately. I-1A is the recombinant line with the longest RLS. (Upper membranes) Genomic DNA of the eight strains was prepared, cut with the restriction endonuclease SpeI and separated by electrophoresis. The DNA was hybridized with a probe specific for 35S rDNA. The brightest signal on each membrane corresponds to the genomic rDNA locus (arrowheads); additional signals correspond to circular multimers or monomers of ERC (arrows). (Lower membranes) The blots were hybridized with a probe to the single-copy gene ACT1 to allow quantification. For the quantification of ERC, the signal intensities were normalized to the hybridization signals of ACT1 (values at bottom).