Figure 3.
CtBP regulates BRCA1 expression by influencing histone acetylation at the BRCA1 promoter. (a) (left panel) Immunoblot of CtBP and BRCA1 expression in control and MCF-7 cells depleted of CtBP by RNAi. Actin is shown as an endogenous control. (right panel) Nascent and mature BRCA1 RNA levels in control and CtBP depleted MCF-7 cells. Error bars represent the s.e.m. for N=3 biological replicates. (b–f) Estrogen stimulated enrichment of HDAC1 (b), acetylated histone H3 (c), acetylated histone H4 (d), Pol II (e), and E2F1 (f) at the BRCA1 promoter in control and CtBP depleted MCF-7 cells. Error bars represent s.e.m. for N=2 independent biological replicates.