Table 2. List of the explanatory variables tested to explain geographical, seasonal and species variations in AIV prevalence in shorebirds across Eurasian and Afro-tropical regions (Figure 1).
Explanatory variables | Eco-epidemiological predictions | Definition | |
Site | Shorebirds abundance | Aggregation of birds may enhance inter-individual transmission through contact rate | Four abundance classes ([<5], [5–50], [50–500], [>500]×103 birds) |
Environment | High salinity, wind and solar radiation exposure (low vegetation cover) and tidal washing may reduce virus persistence in coastal habitat | Marine-saline vs inland-freshwater habitats | |
Season | Seasonal patterns of migration and reproduction may influence the turnover of susceptible birds | Four trimester periods | |
Sampling procedure | AIV may replicated preferentially in the respiratory or the digestive tract; the type of sample tested may influence the probability of detecting an infection | Single cloacal, single oropharyngeal or both types of samples | |
Species | Foraging behavioura | Higher AIV exposure in tactile-foraging (probing) than in visual-foraging (pecking) species | Tactile-foraging vs visual-foraging species |
Geographic rangea | Lower AIV exposure in high arctic/coastal than boreal-temperate/freshwater species, and in Afro-tropical resident than in boreal-temperate migratory species | High arctic/coastal vs boreal-temperate/freshwater vs tropical/freshwater species | |
Body massa | Demographic rates associated with body mass may influence the turnover of susceptible birds | Mean species body mass |
. Only tested for species from the Scolopaci and Charadrii clades.