Figure 3.
Recorded incidence of non-CNS solid cancer under age 15 years, Great Britain 1966–2005. Age-sex-standardised rate (ASSR) by year of diagnosis: actual (dashed), step model (solid) line. Abbreviations: AFP, alpha-fetoprotein assay for hepatic and germ-cell cancer; BHCG, beta human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone assay for germ-cell cancer; Catecholamines, urinary catecholamine assay for neuroblastoma; CR action plan, action plan for improvements in regional general cancer registration scheme; CR by residence, general cancer registration by region of residence, not of treatment; CR mandatory, general cancer registration becomes mandatory; CR revised scheme, revision of the regional general cancer registration scheme; CT, computed tomography for solid tumours; IHC, immunohistochemistry for sub-classification of solid cancer; MIBG, meta-iodobenzylguanidine scanning for neuroblastoma; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging for solid tumours; UKCCSG, ascertainment from UK Childrens’ Cancer Study Group patients’ register; US, ultrasound imaging for solid tumours.