P22 intraphage protein interactions
P22 1 | P22 2 | Description | References |
gp3 | gp3 | Small terminase subunit; homononomer in solution | Nemecek et al., 2007, 2008 |
gp3 | gp2 | Purify as complex; bind each other in vitro | Nemecek et al., 2007; Poteete and Botstein, 1979 |
gp2 | gp1 | gp2 is large terminase subunit; assembles in packaging motor to gp1 by analogy with other phages (gp2 by itself is monomer in solution); evolutionary argument for P22 gp2–gp1 interaction | Casjens, 2011 |
gp1 | gp1 | Portal protein; homododecamer; EM of 12-mer; EM of virion; X-ray structure | Bazinet et al., 1988; Lander et al., 2006; Olia et al., 2011 |
gp1 | gp5 | Purify as complex (procapsids); three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of virion and procapsid | Botstein et al., 1973; Chen et al., 2011; Lander et al., 2006 |
gp1 | gp8 | gp8 required for assembly of gp1 into procapsid; interaction seen in procapsid 3D reconstruction | Chen et al., 1989; Greene and King, 1996; Weigele et al., 2005 |
gp8 | gp8 | Scaffolding protein; forms homodimers and tetramers in solution | Parker et al., 1997 |
gp8 | gp5 | Purify as complex (procapsid); bind in vitro | Fuller and King, 1982; Greene and King, 1994; Parker et al., 1998 |
gp5 | gp5 | Coat (major capsid) protein; forms T=7 l icosahedral shell of virion | Botstein et al., 1973; Casjens, 1979; Lander et al., 2006 |
gp5 | gp1 | Purify as complex (procapsids); interaction seen in 3D reconstruction | Chen et al., 2011; Lander et al., 2006 |
gp4 | gp4 | Tail protein; monomer in solution (naturally unfolded?); gp4s barely touching each other in dodecamer ring in virion (i.e., contacts not large); EM, X-ray structure | Olia et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2011 |
gp4 | gp5 | Contact in high-resolution 3D reconstruction of virion | Olia et al., 2006, 2011; Tang et al., 2011 |
gp4 | gp1 | Order of assembly, EM, 3D reconstruction; X-ray cocrystal structure | Olia et al., 2006, 2011; Tang et al., 2011 |
gp4 | gp10 | 12 gp4s contact 6 gp10s; order of assembly, EM, 3D reconstruction | Lander et al., 2006; Olia et al., 2007 |
gp4 | gp9 | gp4 ring contacts 6 gp9 trimers; 3D reconstruction | Lander et al., 2006 |
gp10 | gp10 | Tail protein; probably hexamer in solution; 3D reconstruction | Lander et al., 2006; Olia et al., 2007 |
gp10 | gp9 | 6 gp4s contact 6 gp9 trimers; 3D reconstruction | Lander et al., 2006 |
gp10 | gp26 | 6 gp10s contact one gp26 trimer | Landeret al., 2006 |
gp26 | gp26 | Tail needle protein; trimer in solution - crystal structure; one trimer in virion | Olia et al., 2007 |
gp16 | gp8 | Mutants of gp8 do not incorporate gp16 into virion | Chen et al., 1989; Greene and King, 1996; Weigele et al., 2005 |
C1 | C1 | C1 is homologue of λ CII; homotetramer | Ho et al., 1992 |
Mnt | Mnt | Repressor of antirepressor gene; tetramer | Nooren et al., 1999 |
Arc | Arc | Repressor of antirepressor gene; dimer in solution, tetramer on DNA | Bowie and Sauer, 1989; Breg et al., 1990; Brown, Bowie and Sauer, 1990 |
Ant | C2 | Antirepressor; binds to and inhibits C2 repressor | Susskind and Botstein, 1975 |
gp9 | gp9 | Tailspike protein; trimer in solution, 6 trimers in virion; crystal structure; binds to polysaccharide on cell surface | Lander et al., 2006; Steinbacher et al., 1994, 1997 |
Int | Xis | Form heteromultimer | Cho et al., 2002 |
Xis | Xis | Excisionase; homomultimers | Mattis et al., 2008 |
Erf | Erf | Recombination protein; homomultimeric ring of 10–14 subunits | Poteete et al., 1983 |
C3 | C3 | C3 is homologue of λ CIII; λ CIII is dimer by disulfide bond; P22 interaction by homology with λ CIII | Halder et al., 2007 |
SieB | Esc | Similar to λ but not studied in detail | Ranade and Poteete, 1993a |
C2 | C2 | Prophage repressor homologue of λ CI; homodimer | De Anda et al., 1983 |
Cro | Cro | Dimer; solution studies and crystal structure | Darling et al., 2000; Newlove et al., 2004 |
gp18 | gp12 | Origin binding protein gp18 recruits DnaB-like gp12 to replication origin by analogy with λ (note that gp12 is not a homologue of λ P protein; gp18 is homologous to λ O protein only in N-terminal domain) | Backhaus and Petri, 1984 |
Rz | Rz1 | Rz and Rz1 are supposed to bind to one another and form a bridge that spans the periplasm in phage λ; P22 gp15 and Rz1 should do the same by homology. | Summer et al., 2007 |
gp13 | gp13 | Holin forms rings of large diameter in λ; by homology same should be true of P22 holin | Savva et al., 2008 |
gp13 | gp13′ | Antiholin–holin interactions delay the formation of holin rings in λ; by homology same should be true in P22 | Rennell and Poteete, 1985 |
Dec | Dec | Trimer; Note that P22 has no Dec, but its very close relative phage L does and L Dec binds to P22 capsids. | Tang et al., 2006 |
Dec | gp5 | Dec occupies a subset of the quasi-equivalent local threefold positions on the shell | Tang et al., 2006 |