Figure 1.
Conceptual diagram of the internalization flux (Michaelis-Menten curve; full line), maximal diffusive supply from solution to root (dashed line), and actual uptake flux (dotted line) as a function of free ion concentration for two theoretical cases. Left and right sections show the same curves, on log (left) or linear (right) scale. In A, the potential internalization flux is much larger than the maximal diffusive supply at low concentrations, i.e. the uptake is strongly limited by the transport of the free ion to the root. The plant acts as a near-zero sink, and the actual plant uptake equals the maximal diffusive flux. The Km* is much larger than the true Km, and the experimental permeability P (slope of the actual uptake curve) is much smaller than the membrane permeability Pm (slope of the internalization curve). In B, the maximal diffusive flux is larger than the potential internalization flux. The uptake is not limited by diffusive transport, and the Km* and true Km are almost equal.