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. 2012 Aug 6;18(6):652–669. doi: 10.1093/humupd/dms031

Table IV.

Treatment predictors of discontinuation.

Eisenberg 2010 Danesh- Meyer 1993 Guerif 2002 Guerif 2003 Steures 2007 Sharma 2002 De Vries 1999 Pearson 2009 Pelinck 2007 Roest 1998 Rufat 1994 Smeenk 2004 Verberg 2008 Verhagen 2008 Inline graphic Nr studies investigating predictor
Inline graphic Nr studies associating predictor with higher discontinuation
Inline graphic Nr studies associating predictor with lower discontinuation
Doctor censored patients excluded from analysis No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No
Infertility history graphic file with name dms03106.jpg
 Parity NS + NS
 Pregnancies prior IVF + NS
 Previous fertility treatment NS NS
 Infertility duration NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
 Primary infertility NS NS
 Male factor NS NS NS + NS
 Female factor NS NS NS NS
 Unexplained/no diagnosis NS NS NS NS
 Time to treatment + NS
 Type of treatment NS
 Duration of treatment NS
 Nr visits to physician NS
 A priory estimated pregnancy rate NS
 Stimulation dosage NS +
 Cancelled cycle NS
 Oocytes retrievals NS NS NS NS
 Embryo fertilization, transfers & quality NS NS NS
 Use frozen embryos NS NS
 Pregnancy lost/other comp +a NS

Note: Blank cells mean that the corresponding predictor was not investigated in the corresponding study; NS = non-significant statistical test; + = predictor associated with higher discontinuation; − = predictor associated with lower discontinuation; amoderation effect of treatment cycle between pregnancy lost/other complications and discontinuation, chemical pregnancy only (versus failed embryo implantation), cycle 1: 1.51 (95% CI 1.04–2.17), P = 0.03, cycle 2: 1.09 (95% CI 0.67–1.76), P = 0.74 and clinical pregnancy loss (versus failed embryo implantation), cycle 1: OR 1.88 (95% CI 1.22–2.90), P < 0.01, cycle 2: 0.95 (95% CI 0.52–1.72), P = 0.86.

INITIATE = during diagnosis, before initiation of treatment; FIRST = during first-order treatments like insemination or ovulation induction; ART-START = on the waiting list to start assisted reproductive techniques; ART-FAILED = after the first failed ART cycle; ART-TYPICAL = before completion of the typical ART regimen.