Fig 3.
M4E control cells, but not their integrin β1 knock-down counterparts, developed lymph node and lung metastasis. No metastatic cancer cells were observed in lymph node (A) and lung (C) in M4E-15 injected mice, while tumor developed from the control M4E cells further migrated to both lymph node (B) and lung (D). IHC staining of xenograft tumor tissues using an integrin β1-specific antibody showed no integrin β1 expression in xenograft tumor developed from M4E-15 cells (E), and confirmed integrin β1 expression in control M4E cells (F). (G) shows integrin β1 expression in metastatic lesion (lymph node metastatic tumor) (Magnification 200 ×). (H) shows control M4E cells developed significantly larger tumor in the xenograft model compared to their integrin β1 knock-down counterparts. Student’s t-test was performed to determine the difference in weight between the two groups. (I) shows control M4E developed larger and heavier tumors (0.69±0.19g) than M4E-15 cells (0.31±0.18g) (p<0.002).