Figure 4. Synergistic effect of TCDD and IL-1α in isolated stromal cells.
Control endometrial stromal cells were isolated from the secretory phase and cultured 5 days with estradiol + progesterone (E; 1nM; P; 500nM) in the presence and absence of TCDD (10nM). Some cultures were challenged with IL-1α (10ng/mL) during the last 24 hrs of culture. Expression of PR-B (left panel) and CB1-R mRNA (right panel) was robust in cells treated with EP, while cells treated with TCDD showed a marked reduction in PR-B mRNA expression levels (P< 0.05), similar to CB1-R mRNA levels observed in Figure 3. Treatment with IL-1α alone led to a non-significant reduction in PR-B mRNA expression while CB1-R mRNA levels were significantly reduced (P< 0.01). Combinatorial treatment with EP, TCDD and IL-1 led to the lowest expression levels of both genes (P< 0.001). qRT-PCR data, normalized to the housekeeping gene, was analyzed using the ΔΔCT method [59]. **P<0.01; *** P< 0.001.