Pro35S:MIR156 Reduces the GA Response.
(A) and (B)
GA response of wild-type (WT) and Pro35S:MIR156 plants under short-day conditions. We sprayed 7-d-old seedlings with 50 μM of GA3 (+) or ethanol (mock, −). The number of leaves (A) and the days to flowering (B) were counted.
(C) The reduction ratio in response to GA. The reduction ratio was calculated as (number of leaves/days [mock] − number of leaves/days [GA3] / number of leaves/days [mock]). **, Student’s t test, P < 0.01.
(D) and (E) Expression of SOC1 and FUL in 50-d-old GA3-treated wild-type and Pro35S:MIR156 plants in short-day conditions. The shoot apices were collected 6 h after treatment. Error bars represent ±se (n = 3).