Figure 8.
Positional Cloning of LIG.
(A) Chromosomal position of the lig mutation. Thick arrows represent BAC clones around the LIG locus on chromosome V. The number of recombination events between DNA polymorphism markers and the LIG locus is given beneath the BAC clones. Thin arrows show genes (open reading frames) predicted to occur at or near the position of the lig mutation. cM, centimorgans.
(B) Alignment of the amino acid sequences of the Arabidopsis GNA1 (At GNA1) with Os GNA1 and Sc GNA1. Asterisks, double dots, and single dots represent identity, strong similarities, and weak similarities, respectively. The position of the lig mutation is marked with a circle. Domains I and II are boxed.
(C) Complementation of the lig phenotype by the introduction of wild-type GNA1. Seedlings of Col, lig [Col], lig [Col] carrying GNA1pro:GNA1, and lig [Col] carrying 35Spro:GNA1 were grown at 28°C for 5 d. Bar = 1 cm.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]