Stages include the late nauplius VI (NauVI), cyprid (Cyp), young juvenile (Juv) and the adult (Adu). Gene expression was measured for (A) A-type allatostatin (asta), (B) B-type allatostatin (astb), (C) C-type allatostatin (astc), (D) bursicon subunit β (burb), (E) calcitonin-like diuretic hormone isoform A (calcia), (F) calcitonin-like diuretic hormone isoform B (calcib), (G) eclosion hormone (eh), (H) insulin-related peptide (irp), (I) neuropeptide F (npf), (J) orcokinin (orco), (K) pigment dispersing hormone (pdh), (L) SIFamide (sif), (M) sulfakinin (sulf), (N) tachykinin-related peptide (trp). Values are showed as mean ± SD from three biological replicates. Asterisks indicate significant difference detected by one-way ANOVA comparing to gene expression level in juvenile stage (Tukey test, * p<0.05, **p<0.01).