Figure 4. Heating facilitates invasion of Pseudomonas fluorescens DSM 50090.
We studied invasion and establishment of the bacterium P. fluorescens DSM 50090 in soil microcosms exposed to different heating intensities (15°C, 60°C, 75°C or 90°C) for 24 h and subsequently amended with the bacterium. After heating we washed the microcosms to remove soluble carbon, and to each heating treatment we subsequently amended soluble carbon corresponding to the amount produced from the four heating treatments to separate the effects of heating on community structure and on release of soluble carbon. Heating permanently facilitated P. fluorescens DSM 50090, whereas the effect of carbon was transient. We performed two separate two-way ANOVA's (heating intensity × carbon amendment) for the two samplings. P-values refer to these two-way ANOVA's performed on the two different depicted situations. Data were log transformed to equalize variances.