Figure 3. ALFF differences between patients in pre-TIPS and post-TIPS examinations.
In the median 8-day follow-up examinations, post-TIPS patients demonstrated decreased ALFF in the left middle/posterior cingulate cortex, right superior frontal cortex, left DLPFC, SMA and increased ALFF in the left ACC and MPFC. In three months following TIPS, patients with TIPS insertion showed decreased ALFF in the left PCC, left DLPFC, left ACC and left MPFC, but no increased regional ALFF was detected. TIPS = Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt; ALFF = amplitude of low frequency fluctuation; DLPFC = dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; SMA = supplementary motor area; ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; MPFC = medial prefrontal cortex; PCC = posterior cingulate cortex.