Figure 1.
Derivation of cohort. Despite meeting all inclusion criteria according to Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) data, some RAMQ cohort patients (n=709) were excluded because they were not registered in Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) (n=593) or had been excluded according to CORR data (kidney transplant [n=40], dialysis initiation before January 2001 [n=19], or <3 months of follow-up [n=57]). Similarly, some patients were excluded from CORR (n=139) because they had no service in RAMQ (n=4) or were excluded on the basis of RAMQ data (kidney transplant [n=30], <3 months of follow-up or dialysis [n=87], or dialysis initiation before January 2001 [n=18]). PD, peritoneal dialysis.