FIG. 2.
Electron microscopy images of homogeneous fibrous scaffolds of either aligned (A) or randomly oriented fibers (B) and trilaminar scaffolds (C, D) (superficial zone=C and deep cartilage zone=D). Chondrocyte viability on homogenous fibrous scaffolds of either aligned (E) or randomly oriented (F) fiber scaffolds and on trilaminar with either aligned (G) or randomly oriented (H) fiber organizations after five weeks in culture, where live cells fluoresce green and dead cells fluoresce red. Chondrocyte morphology on homogeneous fully fibrous scaffolds of either aligned (I) or randomly oriented (J) fiber scaffolds. Chondrocytes on aligned fibers exhibited spindle-like morphologies orienting along the direction of fibers (I), whereas chondrocytes on randomly oriented scaffolds displayed spread morphologies (J). Chondrocytes on trilaminar scaffolds displayed different morphologies that were dependent on zone-specific fiber orientation and either aligned with fibers (K) or were spread (L). Scale bar=10 μm for (A–D) and (I–L); scale bar=100 μm for (E–H).