Identification of two cross-links between α-Syn and Ssa1p.
A–C, identification of the cross-link between peptide 11–21 from α-Syn and peptide 491–497 from Ssa1p. A, mass spectrum of the triple charged cross-linked peptide with m/z 620.3333 and 621.6749 for the BS2G-d0 and BS2G-d4 peptides, respectively. B, fragmentation spectrum of the precursor ion at m/z 621.67 corresponding to the first isotope of the BS2G-d4 peptide. The identified fragments are annotated on the peptide sequence, and their charge states are indicated. The asterisks indicate the fragments with the BS2G-d4 cross-linker. C, the identified fragments are indicated on the cross-linked sequences. The α- and β-sequences correspond to the 11–21 α-Syn and the 491–497 Ssa1p peptides, respectively. This cross-link involves residues Lys-12 and Lys-494 from α-Syn and Ssa1p, respectively. D–F, identification of the cross-link between peptide 97–102 from α-Syn and peptide 548–567 from Ssa1p. D, mass spectrum of the quadruple charged cross-linked peptide with m/z 737.3781 and 738.3834 for the BS2G-d0 and BS2G-d4 peptides, respectively. E, fragmentation spectrum of the precursor ion at m/z 738.63 corresponding to the second isotope of the BS2G-d4 peptide. The identified fragments are indicated, together with their charge state. The asterisks indicate the fragments with the BS2G-d4 cross-linker. F, the identified fragments are indicated on the cross-linked sequences. The α- and β-sequences correspond to the 97–102 α-Syn and the 548–567 Ssa1p peptides, respectively. This cross-link involves residues Lys-97 and Lys-556 from α-Syn and Ssa1p, respectively.