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. 2012 Oct 3;7(10):e45569. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045569

Table 2. Top 25 researchers publishing articles on tuberculosis with Brazilian authors, 1995–2010.

Rank Researcher Institution # Articles
1 Kritski, Afranio Lineu UFRJ 82
2 Basso, Luiz Augusto PUCRS 49
3 Santos, Diogenes Santiago PUCRS 47
4 Silva, Celio Lopes USP 47
5 Dietze, Reynaldo UFES 33
6 Netto, Antonio Ruffino USP 33
7 Conde, Marcus Barreto UFRJ 27
8 Palaci, Moises UFES 27
9 Scatena Villa, Tereza Cristina USP 23
10 Chaisson, Richard E Johns Hopkins Univ 22
11 Feres Saad, Maria Helena Fiocruz 21
12 Fonseca, Leila S UFRJ 20
13 Mello, Fernanda C Queiroz UFRJ 19
14 Faccioli, Lucia Helena USP 18
15 Maciel, Ethel Leonor Noia UFES 18
16 Palma, Mario Sergio UNESP 18
17 Suffys, Philip Noel Fiocruz 18
18 Trajman, Anete UGF 18
19 Deperon Bonato, Vania Luiza USP 17
20 Johnson, John L Case Western Reserve Univ 17
21 Lapa e Silva, Jose Roberto UFRJ 17
22 Ho, John L Cornell Univ 16
23 Rosa Rossetti, Maria Lucia FEPPS 15
24 Ferrazoli, Lucilaine IAL 14
25 Ribeiro, Marta Osorio FEPPS 14

Abbreviations of Brazilian institutions: FEPPS: Fundação Estadual de Produçãão e Pesquisa em Saúde (State Foundation for Production and Health Research); Fiocruz: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; PUCRS: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; UFES: Federal University of Espírito Santo; UFRJ: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; UGF: Gama Filho University; UNESP: Universidade Estadual Paulista; USP: University of São Paulo;