Figure 1 .
Basic characterization of cohesin alleles in S. pombe. (A) Cohesin mutants were grown at 25°, 32°, and 37°. eso1-G799D and mis4-242 mutants can grow at 25° but not at greater temperatures, and both of these mutants are sensitive to 75-Gy X-ray treatment. eso1-W804G, an analogous mutation to that associated with RBS, grew normally at 32° and grew only slightly slower at 37°. The eso1-W804G mutant did not show a significant growth defect upon exposure to X-rays. None of the mutants were hypersensitive to 2.5 mM hydroxyurea (HU). (B) TBZ sensitivity was tested, and lagging chromosomes were scored. P values are derived from a Fisher test using wild-type (WT) as the reference.