Figure 6. Increased mitochondrial superoxide generation and induction of IL-6 production upon MR activation in BV2 cells.
BV2 microglial cells were incubated for 24 h with increasing concentrations of aldosterone (A) or silane AB110873 (B) in the presence or absence of 1 µM spironolactone, followed by determination of mitochondrial superoxide using MitoSox staining as described in the Methods section. Fluorescence was analyzed using a Cellomics ArrayScan high-content screening system. C, BV2 cells were incubated for 24 h with aldosterone (5 nM) or various concentrations of silane AB110873 in the presence or absence of spironolactone, followed by quantification of IL-6 protein levels in the medium of the cultured cells by ELISA. Data (mean ± SD) were obtained from three independent experiments each performed in six replicates.