Dirigent protein gene expression pattern at different stages of Arabidopsis development. A–F, AtDIR6::GUS; G–L, AtDIR10::GUS; M–R, AtDIR13::GUS; S–V, AtDIR5::GUS. A, 3 DAG, seedling. B, close-up of cotyledons in A. C, 14 DAG, seedling. D, 3 WAG, third rosette leaf and close-up of trichomes in left panel. E, 4 WAG, flower buds and mature flower. F, 5 WAG, a mature silique. G, 3 DAG, seedling and close-up of root. H, 14 DAG, seedling cotyledon. I, 14 DAG, rosette leaf. J, 3 WAG, third rosette leaf. K, 4 WAG, flower buds and mature flower. L, 5 WAG, a developing silique. M, 3 DAG, seedling. N, 14 DAG, seedling. O, 7 DAG, seedling. P, 4 WAG, third rosette leaf. Q, 4 WAG, flower buds and mature flower. R, 5 WAG, a mature silique. S, 3 DAG, seedling. T, 3 WAG, cotyledon. U, 5 WAG, flower. V, 5 WAG, a mature silique.