Figure 2.
TACh on mouse liver tissue with three different concentrations of Benzonase and Cyanase. Partially digested DNA was Illumina sequenced and aligned to the mouse mm9 genome assembly. (A) Example of aligned sequence tags at a region surrounding the Tat gene. (B-C) Scatter plot comparing tag density of Benzonase hotspots at different enzyme concentrations. Linear correlation coefficients are indicated. (D) Scatter plot comparing tag density of identified hotspots when all three Benzonase and Cyanase concentrations were combined. The linear correlation coefficient is indicated. (E) When tags from all three Benzonase and Cyanase concentrations were combined, Benzonase identified 52235 hotspots and Cyanase 49892 hotspots. 87% of these hotspots were identified by both enzymes.