Figure 1. Systemic cytosolic delivery of flagellin in vivo induces NAIP5/NLRC4-dependent but IL-1β/IL-18-independent vascular leakage.
(a–f) Mice (wild-type (B6) or indicated genotype) were injected intraperitoneally with FlaTox or indicated proteins (4 μg/g PA; 2 μg/g all others) and monitored for survival (a), hematocrit (b,d,f,h), or rectal temperature (b,c,e,g) at indicated times. Doses in (a) indicate LFn-FlaA. (a) n=5–14; (b) n=3; (c–h) n=4–7. Data shown (± s.e.m.) are pooled from multiple experiments (a) or representative of at least two independent experiments. * p = 0.016; ** p < 0.009 (Mann-Whitney t-test).