Figure 1.
An example of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) printouts used by clinicians for identifying progression. a, Moorfields regression analysis (MRA) printouts with the topography maps along with the MRA analysis for each year of follow-up. b, Topographic change (TCA) printouts. The TCA total size and total volume change over time in mm2 and 1/1000 mm3, respectively. c, Trend analysis (TA) printouts. Changes over time in the average of several HRT parameters are combined for Global, Superior, and Inferior sectors (see text for details). The TA is based on the normalized “average” parameter defined as the average of several HRT parameters combined (rim area, rim volume, cup volume, cup shape, mean retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, mean height of contour, mean contour elevation, contour line modulation temporal, mean cup depth, and mean height inside contour line).