Figure 1.
Dissection and isolation of olfactory neuroepithelium. A. Dorsal view of a neonatal mouse head. A line through the midsagittal plan indicate where the cut is. B. Sagittal view of the opened nasal cavity. Nasal epithelium (OE) is circled. Olfactory bulb (OB) is located superior to the nasal cavity. C-D. Different views of the dissected nasal epithelia with cartilage tissue attached. Arrowhead in C points to nasal septum. E. Olfactory epithelium with underlining stroma. Arrowhead in E points to separated stroma, which appear opaque under the stereomicroscope. F. Isolated olfactory neuroepithelial appear transparent under the steromicroscope. Bar = 1mm in A and B; 1mm in C and D; 2mm in E and F.