(A) Used in the long-term extension study (all questions refer to the 2 weeks preceding the visit) |
On how many days did you open your bowels? |
On days you opened your bowels how many times did you go to the toilet? |
How many days were your bowel movements hard and/or lumpy? |
How many days did you have to strain to open bowels? |
How many days did you feel your bowels were not fully emptied after a visit to the lavatory? |
How many days did you feel your bowel habits affected your life? |
If your bowel habits affected your life, overall how much was this effect? |
(B) Phase IV study in patients ≥65 years of age |
Q1: Did you have to strain to move your bowels? |
No |
Yes |
Q2: If yes, how much straining did you have to do? (if no, skip question) |
Acceptable straining |
Too much straining |
Q3: What was the usual consistency of your bowel movements? (choose one) |
Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) |
Sausage shaped but lumpy |
Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface |
Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft |
Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily) |
Fluffy pieces with ragged edge, a mushy stool |
Watery, no solid pieces |
Q4: How often do you have bowel movements? |
Less often |
Unchanged |
More often |
Q5: Do you still: (check one) |
Move your bowels every day |
Move your bowels every other day |
Move your bowels 2 or less times per week |
Other |
Q6: Have you had to strain to move your bowels? |
No |
Yes |
Q7: If yes, how much straining have you had to do? (if no, skip question) |
Acceptable straining |
Too much straining |
Q8: What has been the usual consistency of your bowel movements? (choose one) |
Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) |
Sausage shaped but lumpy |
Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface |
Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft |
Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily) |
Fluffy pieces with ragged edge, a mushy stool |
Watery, no solid pieces |
Q9: Has the change in your bowel habits affected or interfered with your life in general? (check one) |
Yes, in a bad way |
Not at all |
Yes, in a good way |
Q10: How much has the change in your bowel habits affected or interfered with your life in general? (check one) |
Very little |
Moderately |
Quite a lot |
Very much |