Table 1.
Interview questions |
Who did you think would be/should be involved in coordinating your care at the hospital and your transfer over to the CCC/rehab facility? |
Who actually was involved in coordinating your care at the hospital and your transfer over to the CCC/rehab facility? |
Who is involved in coordinating your care at the CCC/rehab facility? |
What information around your care and/or transfer over and admission to the CCC/rehab facility did you receive? Who provided the information to you? How was the information provided to you? What was the nature of the information? |
What were your expectations around your care at the hospital and your transfer over to the CCC/rehab facility? |
What do you think should have happened around your care at the hospital and your transfer over to the CCC/rehab facility? |
Did you experience any gaps in you care? By gaps in care I mean a part of your care you expected to receive or participate in but did not. |
What around your care at both institutions and with the transfer from the hospital to the CCC/rehab facility do you recommend could be improved? |
Abbreviation: CCC/rehab, complex continuing rehabilitation.