Figure 5.
Downregulation of IP3R1, SERCA, mGluR, and Homer/MyoVa appears to be compensatory, but downregulation of calcium buffers may contribute to pathology.a &c, Supralinear calcium release in wild type and with mutant Ataxin and with each molecule downregulated cumulatively, assuming supersensitive IP3R1 (a) or normosensitive IP3R1 (c). For the red curve, the calcium buffers PV and CB are downregulated by 30% in addition to at least a 1.8-fold decrease in concentration for IP3R1, SERCA, and mGluR. b &d, The compensation trend plotted for various potential concentrations of mAtaxin, showing the inverse relationship between the extent of compensation and the relative concentration of mAtaxin in the spine, assuming supersensitive IP3R1 (b) or normosensitive IP3R1 (d).