Fig. 3.
Effect of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) treatment on the hepatic expression of SSAT, SMO, and ODC mRNAs. Liver RNA samples (15 μg/well of total RNA) from control and CCl4-treated animals were size fractionated and subjected to Northern blot analysis to assess the expression of SSAT, SMO, and ODC transcripts. A: Northern blot analysis results indicate that all three transcripts are upregulated in the livers of CCl4-treated animals. B: densitometric analysis of the Northern blot analysis results were normalized against the intensity of their corresponding 18s rRNA band. These results were used to compare the induction of each transcript in the livers of CCl4- to that of vehicle-treated animals. The induction values are presented as fold increase over control. The blots are representative of 3 independent studies.