Fig. 3.
Effects of DIO severity on intrinsic spontaneous physical activity (SPAINT). A: comparison of SPAINT levels (measured at 24 h; inactive and active periods) at 0 (open bars) and 10 wk (black bars) of HF or LF diet feeding. Low-DIO (LD) rats had significantly higher SPAINT than high-DIO (HD) rats measured at 24 h and during the active period. LF rats increased their SPAINT measured only at 24 h, and LD rats increased their SPA only during the inactive period. B: fold change in number, duration, and intensity (time spent moving over duration of bout) of long (>10 min) SPAINT bouts during the dark period after dietary treatments. In A, the line for comparisons within group indicates that P ≤ 0.05 for a paired t-test. In A and B, lines for comparison between groups indicate that P ≤ 0.05 after pairwise comparisons (see methods for details).