Fig. 2.
Lynx1 knockdown potentiated the increase in nAChR mRNA and protein caused by nicotine. A: effect of lynx1 siRNA knockdown on the ability of nicotine (1 μM for 48 h) to increase levels of nAChR subunits. Values are expressed as relative fold change of each condition vs. control with error bars showing SE (*P < 0.05 compared with control by Fisher's multiple-comparison tests after 1-way ANOVA). All control RNA levels were normalized to 1, and 18S RNA levels were used as an internal standard (n = 5–9 per group). B: representative Western blot analysis showing the lynx1 knockdown-induced decrease in lynx1 protein and the resulting increase in nicotine-induced α7 nAChR protein. C: quantification of protein changes shown in B (n = 4 per group).