Figure 5.
Analysis of cardiac genes and protein expression. A, B) MHC as a late marker of cardiomyocyte gene expression in PCR products of cells using a human-specific MHC primer (A) and a rat-specific MHC primer (B). Samples loaded in lanes (left to right): 100-bp DNA ladder, PCR products from human heart cDNA, rat heart cDNA, and cDNA of hASCs fused with rat cardiomyocytes 5 d after fusion. C) Real-time PCR analysis of human troponin T type 2 (TNNT2) in fused and nonfused cells. Fold expression relative to mean values of human ASCs cultured at d 5, 10, and 15. D) Rat neonatal cardiomyocyte expression troponin T. E) Human ASCs (passage 3, GFP labeled) express troponin T (red) when cocultured for 2 wk with rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. F) Red rat cardiomyocyte and yellow human ASCs form a junction. White arrows: GFP-labeled human ASCs express GFP (green) and troponin T (red), resulting in a yellow cytoplasm. Yellow arrows: rat neonatal cardiomyocyte stained with troponin T (red).