Figure 4.
Shedding of LRP-1 ectodomain is decreased in epithelioid HT1080 cell variant. A) Microscopic appearance of fibroblastoid and epithelioid phenotypes. Left panel: arrows point to cell overlaps in the fibroblastoid variant. Right panel: paired arrowheads indicate close parallel membrane apposition in the epithelioid variant. Insets: comparable vimentin immunolabeling in the two variants. B) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR of LRP-1 mRNAs in fibroblastoid and epithelioid variants, showing comparable levels of expression normalized to β-actin mRNA (mean ± sd log of ratios, n=8). C) Western blotting of LRP-1 α-chain and GAPDH in lysates of fibroblastoid and epithelioid variants and of LRP-1 α-chain in the corresponding 24-h conditioned medium. Blots are representative of 7 experiments performed in triplicate. D) Western blotting of LRP-1 α-chain in lysates of fibroblastoid and epithelioid variants after trypsinization assay. Blots are representative of 2 experiments performed in quadruplicate. E) Streptavidin pulldown of biotinylated cell-surface LRP-1 α-chain from lysates of fibroblastoid and epithelioid variants. Western blots are representative of 2 experiments performed in quadruplicate. NS, not significant, using Student's t test.