Fig. 2.
(a) Bayesian (beast) phylogeny (maximum clade credibility) of the COI locus containing all haplotypes sampled. Branches are coloured by species [red = Anopheles farauti, blue = An. hinesorum, green = An. irenicus, black = An. koliensis (outgroup)]. Support values are posterior probabilities, and scale bar shows time in millions of years. A standard insect molecular clock of 2.3% divergence per million years was used to scale the tree. Abbreviations used on labels include: NHB, non-human biting; SI, Solomon Islands. Further details on node and clade labels are described in the results section. (b) Graph generated from the combined beast log files showing the most likely dates of divergence of nodes on the beast phylogeny (a), as well as the range of dates divergence for nodes.