Description | N | Mean EQ-5D Score | Std Deviation | Mean EQ-VAS Score |
Std Deviation |
Age | |||||
18-27 28-37 38-47 >48 |
48 186 128 23 |
0.5913 0.5007 0.4104 0.2576 |
0.18401 0.25706 0.31491 0.28444 |
66.81 64.68 59.87 63.97 |
5.652 5.862 7.160 6.621 |
Gender | |||||
Male Female |
265 120 |
0.4677 0.4669 |
0.28194 0.29107 |
64.03 63.84 |
6.466 6.978 |
Education | |||||
Illiterate Religious Primary Matric Intermediate Bachelors Masters |
9 62 7 51 51 154 51 |
0.2543 0.3005 0.5583 0.4371 0.5231 0.5293 0.4835 |
0.33554 0.34637 0.18048 0.28744 0.25906 0.23171 0.28105 |
59.44 60.63 63.57 64.59 65.06 64.84 64.59 |
6.521 6.744 2.992 7.245 5.774 6.130 7.119 |
Occupation | |||||
Jobless Government Job Private Job Businessman |
97 78 134 76 |
0.4337 0.4796 0.5295 0.3886 |
0.29882 0.27688 0.23761 0.32602 |
63.24 64.44 65.16 62.36 |
7.077 7.011 5.503 7.080 |
Income | |||||
Nil < Pk Rs 5000 5000-10000 10000-15000 > 15000 |
97 2 22 104 160 |
0.4337 0.4210 0.5628 0.5231 0.4392 |
0.29882 0.33234 0.19853 0.23856 0.30643 |
63.24 65.00 65.68 65.25 63.34 |
7.077 7.071 6.549 5.841 6.735 |
Locality | |||||
Urban Rural |
289 96 |
0.5113 0.3356 |
0.25466 0.32713 |
64.97 60.98 |
6.156 7.089 |
Duration of disease | |||||
Less than 1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years > 5 years |
26 89 124 146 |
0.5885 0.5158 0.4738 0.4110 |
0.18203 0.25582 0.26777 0.31733 |
67.04 65.33 64.35 62.28 |
4.976 6.335 6.106 7.074 |
Total Sample | 385 | 0.4674 | 0.28444 | 63.97 | 6.621 |
The mean HRQoL score was 46.74 ± 28.44 with VAS score 63.97 ± 6.621 indicting poor status of life in our study respondents.