Right frontal and postorbital CEUM 35502 (Eo2) in (A) dorsal, (B) ventral, (C) lateral, and (D) rostral views. Left frontal and postorbital CEUM 52091 (WS8) in (E) ventral, (F) medial, and (G) caudal views. Parietal CEUM 35339 (Eo2) in (H) dorsal, (I) ventral, (J) rostral, and (K) caudal views. Abbreviations: fs, frontal suture; ifs, interfrontal suture; lsp, suture for laterosphenoid; lsq, suture for left squamosal; nap, nasal process of frontal; nsoc, notch for supraoccipital; nuc, nuchal crest; or, orbital rim; p, parietal suture; pos, postorbital suture; prf, prefrontal suture; pro, suture for prootic; prs/osp, suture for presphenoid and orbitosphenoid; rsq, suture for right squamosal; sgc, sagittal crest; soc/op-exo, suture for supraoccipital and opisthotic-exoccipital; vb, ventral buttress. Scale bar equals 5 cm.