Fig. 2.
SPR assays: CHLH, but not CHLI1, CHLD or GUN4, binds ABA. The sample proteins [CHLH (a) and (b); CHLI (c) and (d); CHLD (e) and (f); GUN4 (g) and (h)] were immobilized to a chip by an amino-coupling process, and (+)ABA binding to these proteins was tested by recording the response data. Left panels (a, c, e, g) show the row data of a representative response record, and right panels (b, d, f, h) show the corresponding saturation curves of ABA binding to each of the proteins where the colour circles indicate the data presented in the corresponding left panels, while the filled circles and open circles represent the data, respectively, from other two independent repetitions. The experiments were repeated independently five times with the similar results